Psychopathy is a personality disorder of extreme emotional, social and moral detachment. By definition, psychopaths have little ability to feel empathy or to love and be compassionate. They are extremely charming and charismatic and use this ability to manipulate their victims.
Psychopaths are master manipulators and are often undetected because of their charming, charismatic, and emotionally-restrained front. Their ability to manipulate others is something that has kept them thriving throughout the centuries. Their ability to blend in with society leaves people oblivious to their true nature. Despite the extreme caution you need to have when in contact with them, their timelessness and ability to deceive us makes them a dangerous but interesting subject.
Who is a Psychopath?
Psychopaths are impulsive, selfish, egocentric, suggestible, and manipulative. They have a tendency to rationalize their behavior, accept no responsibility for their actions, and blame others for their problems. They are skilled at conning others, typically via “pathological lying”. This is the reason why they are so successful in their manipulation. Their manipulative skills and ability to rationalize their behavior give them a compulsive, persistent, and repetitive nature.
The Charming Psychos
Psychopaths generally have a very charming and engaging way about them. They can be very sensitive to the feelings and emotions of others and are oftentimes perceived as very kind and caring. Psychopaths are often able to use these qualities to manipulate their victims.
Manipulate the situation
Psychopaths have a way of getting people to do whatever they want. It’s not so much that they think differently or have a different way of looking at the world. It’s that they manipulate the people around them to get what they want. They’re not afraid to use people, discard them and start over again. They’re not afraid to hurt anyone that gets in their way. Psychopaths manipulate situations to their own benefit.
Psychopaths create situations that further their own agenda and then try to control other people to get them to do what they want. Some are more overt about it than others, but if you’re dealing with a psychopath, there are a few manipulations you can expect. The psychopath manipulates the situation to make it appear that he or she is more powerful than anyone else in the room. Psychopaths do this to appear intimidating. It’s a way to put other people on notice that if they don’t do what the psychopath wishes, there will be consequences.
Harass and stalk
Psychopaths are often depicted as serial killers in movies, but that is not the case. They are charming and manipulative and can be very difficult to spot. Psychopaths are masters of manipulation. As a result, they can make others do what they want and feel good doing it. Psychopaths charm and manipulate their victims into submission. The tactics they use are meant to confuse, frighten and disorient the victim, making them easier to manipulate. They then use their influence to bend the victim to their will and get them to do exactly what the psychopath wants. They’re capable of making you feel like you can do no wrong.
Play the victim
Psychopaths are often portrayed as terrifying serial killers. But the truth is, most psychopaths are not criminals. Instead, they are charming people who use their ability to manipulate others to get what they want. A psychopath can be anyone, from your boss to your spouse. The most effective psychopaths are often highly intelligent and charming. Psychopaths are often able to come up with elaborate lies that no one else can see through. Their ability to manipulate others can cause them to be drawn to positions of power or authority. Psychopaths often do not feel remorse or guilt for the pain they cause others. They see others as means to an end, not as human beings. They can be very aggressive, but also very charming and manipulative. Psychopaths use a variety of manipulation tactics to get what they want. Understanding how psychopaths manipulate others can help you protect yourself against them.
Excuse and minimize your behavior
A psychopath will always try to make you feel like you are in the wrong and you are the victim. A psychopath will always try to make you feel like you are in the wrong and you are the victim. They minimize and excuse everything they do and always try to shift the blame to you. A psycho will say things like: “I am sorry you feel that way “or” I am sorry that you feel that I did that” or “I was only trying to help.” They will tell you that you need to calm down, or they will tell you that they are not doing anything wrong, that you are looking at things the wrong way, or that you are overreacting.
Be aggressive
Psychopaths have a disease of the mind. They are not like you and me. Psychopaths have a lack of conscience, lack of empathy, lack of love, and lack of remorse. They can be charming, manipulative, and even physically violent. They use aggression to dominate, control and manipulate. They lack guilt, remorse, and empathy.
Overwhelm your victim with too many problems
The psychopathic manipulator tends to quickly overwhelm their victim with too many problems, crises, and demands for attention. This is all part of a psychopath’s MO for gaining control over their victims. The victims of psychopaths often feel as if they are being suffocated by the psychopath’s constant crises, their conduct, and the psychopath’s insatiable need for attention. The victim is often left feeling exhausted, drained, and chronically unfulfilled. The psychopath is basically a hoarder who hoards the love and attention that the victim gives them. Psychopaths love to get their victims to give them everything that they want or need. The victim’s love and attention are like drugs to the psychopath and they will continue to do this until they have drained their victims of everything that they have to give.
Use your emotions as weapons
The psychopath is able to use his emotions against you by consciously manipulating them. He may say he loves you but he is unable or unwilling to show it. He may tell you he will change, but he really is incapable of doing so. A psychopath can cry on cue to get his way, but he probably won’t shed a tear for you when the situation is reversed. He will use your desire to help him and your tendency to give him the benefit of the doubt to manipulate you into doing what he wants you to do.
We hope you enjoyed this blog about how psychopaths manipulate their victims. Hopefully, you will be able to spot some of these tactics in action as well as ways you can protect yourself from them.